of either point, line, circle or rectangle.
Approximation start at a seed point and steps towards the smaller error
until the summed error is smaller than a threshold.
First attempt starts at features common average midpoint.
If approximation error is smaller than threshold the search is halted.
Next starting points from around perimeter are tried and then a bunch of random starting points.
Solution inside circles and squares hare not handled.
Results are not scientific exact, enough for construction of drawing.
Some unsolved edge cases fail, reducing overall usefulness.
Demo choose random features
threshold = 1e-5;
workarea = 100;
function AcmeSolver(f0, f1, f2, ifind = undef, maxi = 6000) =
let (
find = ifind == undef ?
(featurecenter(f0) + featurecenter(f1)
+ featurecenter(f2) ) /3: ifind,
d0 =distancetofeature(f0, find),
nf0 = normaltofeature(f0, find),
d1 = distancetofeature(f1, find),
nf1 = normaltofeature(f1, find),
d2 = distancetofeature(f2, find),
nf2 = normaltofeature(f2, find),
sum = abs(d0 - d1) + abs(d1 - d2) + abs(d2 - d0),
avrg = (d0 + d2 + d1) / 3,
cf0 = (find + nf0 * (max(0, d0) - avrg) * 0.999),
cf1 = ( find + nf1 * (max(0, d1) - avrg) * 0.999),
cf2 = (find + nf2 * ( max(0, d2) - avrg) * 0.999),
newfind = (cf0 + cf1 + cf2) / 3 )
sum < threshold || maxi < 0 ?
[find, avrg, sum]
: AcmeSolver(f0,
f1, f2, newfind, maxi - 1);
function featurecenter(feat) =
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == undef ? feat :
len(feat) == 3 && len(feat[0]) == undef ? [feat.x,feat.y] :
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == 2 ? (feat[0] + feat[1]) /2 :
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == 2 ?
(feat[0] + feat[1]+feat[2] + feat[3]) / 4 : [0, 0];
function distancetofeature(feat, find) =
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == undef ? norm(feat - find) :
len(feat) == 3 && len(feat[0]) == undef ?
distancetocircle(feat, find) :
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == 2 ? distancetoline(feat, find) :
len(feat) == 4 && len(feat[0]) == 2 ? distancetosquare(feat, find) :
function normaltofeature(feat, find) =
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == undef ? normaltopoint(feat, find) :
len(feat) == 3 && len(feat[0]) == undef ?
normaltocircle(feat, find) :
len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == 2 ? normaltoline(feat, find) :
len(feat) == 4 && len(feat[0]) == 2 ? normaltosquare(feat, find) :
function distancetopoint(point, find) = norm(point - find);
function distancetocircle(circle, find) =
norm([circle.x, circle.y] - find) - circle[2];
function distancetoline(line, p) =
let (a = line[0], b = line[1],
pa = p - a, ba = b - a, h = ((pa * ba) /
(ba * ba)))norm(pa - ba * h);
function distancetosquare(square, p) =min (
function distancetosegment(line, p) =
let (a = line[0], b = line[1], pa = p - a, ba = b - a,
h = clamp((pa * ba) / (ba * ba)))
norm(pa - ba * h);
function clamp(a, b = 0, c = 1) = min(max(a, b), c);
function normaltopoint(point, find) =
(point - find) / norm(point - find);
function normaltocircle(circle, find) =
([circle.x, circle.y] - find) /norm([circle.x, circle.y] - find);
function normaltoline(line, find) =
let (a = line[0], b = line[1], dtl2 = distancetoline(line, find))
un([distancetoline(line, find + [-1, 0]) -
dtl2, distancetoline(line, find + [0, -1]) - dtl2]);
function normaltosegment(line, find) =
let (a = line[0], b = line[1],c=un(a-b))[-c.y,c.x];
function normaltosquare(square, find) =
let ( base = distancetosquare(square, find))
un([distancetosquare(square, find + [-1, 0]) -
base, distancetosquare(square, find+ [0, -1]) - base]);
function un(v) = v / max(1e-15, norm(v));
// demo code
function allines(f0,f1,f2)=isline(feature0)
function isline(feat)=len(feat) == 2
&& len(feat[0]) == 2 ?true:false;
function randomfeature() =
let (s0 = round( rnd(3)
(s0 == 0) ? [rnd(workarea), rnd(workarea), rnd(1, workarea * 0.5)] :
(s0 == 1) ? [rnd(workarea), rnd(workarea)] :
(s0 == 2) ? [[rnd( workarea), rnd(workarea)],
[rnd(workarea), rnd(workarea)]] :
(s0 == 3) ? let(
p1=[rnd(workarea), rnd(workarea)],
p2=p1+[rnd(workarea)/2, rnd(workarea)/2],
rotp(r,p2,p3),rotp(r,[p1.x,p2.y],p3) ] :
function rotp(r,ip,p3)=
let( p=ip-p3, s = sin(r),
c = cos(r),
xnew = p.x * c - p.y * s,
ynew = p.x * s + p.y * c)
module showfeature(feat) {
color("black") {
if (len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == undef) {
echo(" point ", feat);
translate(feat) sphere(2);
if (len(feat) == 3 && len(feat[0]) == undef) {
echo(" circle ", feat);
linear_extrude(1)translate([feat.x, feat.y]) difference() {
circle(feat[2] - 1);
if (len(feat) == 2 && len(feat[0]) == 2) {
echo(" line ", feat);
linear_extrude(1)hull() {
translate(feat[0]) circle(1);
translate(feat[1]) circle(1);
n1 = un(feat[0] - feat[1]);
linear_extrude(0.2)hull() {
translate(feat[0] + n1 * workarea) circle(0.2);
translate(feat[1] - n1 * workarea) circle(0.2);
if (len(feat) == 4 && len(feat[0]) == 2) {
echo(" square ", feat);
linear_extrude(1)hull() {
translate(feat[0]) circle(0.5);
translate(feat[1]) circle(0.5);
linear_extrude(1)hull() {
translate(feat[1]) circle(0.5);
translate(feat[2]) circle(0.5);
linear_extrude(1)hull() {
translate(feat[2]) circle(0.5);
translate(feat[3]) circle(0.5);
linear_extrude(1)hull() {
translate(feat[3]) circle(0.5);
translate(feat[0]) circle(0.5);
module ring(d, i = 1) {
translate(d[0]) difference() {
circle(d[1], $fn = 60);
circle(max(0,d[1] - 1), $fn = 60);
function rnd(a = 1, b = 0, s = []) = s == [] ?
(rands(min(a, b), max(
a, b), 1)[0]) : (rands(min(a, b), max(a, b), 1, s)[0]);
feature0 = randomfeature();
feature1 = randomfeature();
feature2 = randomfeature();
// try fo fit from midpoint
d = AcmeSolver(feature0, feature1, feature2);
//[center,radius, fit]
if (d[2] < threshold &&!allines(feature0, feature1, feature2)){
echo(" Found Internal ", d);
color("red") ring(d, 1.5);
else {
color("yellow") ring(d);
if (d[2] < workarea*0.1) {
echo(" Found no internal solution in time. Best fit : ", d[2]);
else {
echo(" Found no internal solution in time. Best approximation : ");
// try to fit from ouside
for (i = [45: 90: 360]) {
cme = [sin(i) * workarea * 10, cos(i) * workarea * 10];
de = AcmeSolver(feature0, feature1, feature2, cme,1500);
if (norm(d[0] - de[0]) > threshold) {
if (de[2] < threshold) {
color([1, rnd(), rnd()]) ring(de,0.9);
echo(" Found External ",de);
else {
echo(" Found no external solution in time ");
// try to fit from Random State
for (i = [0: 10]) {
cme = [rnd(-workarea,workarea*2),rnd(-workarea,workarea*2)];
de = AcmeSolver(feature0, feature1, feature2, cme,1500);
if (norm(d[0] - de[0]) > threshold) {
if (de[2] < threshold) {
color([1, rnd(), rnd()]) ring(de);
echo(" Found Random State solution ",de);
else {
echo(" Found no Random State solution in time ");
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