Saturday, December 19, 2020

Volume of mesh

Calculates the volume of a point-face triangel mesh. 
points=[[0,0,0], ... ]
function meshVolume(points,faces)=
let( sum=[for(faces)-1]*[for(f=faces) SignedVolumeOfTriangle(points[f[0]],points[f[1]],points[f[2]])])
sum ; function SignedVolumeOfTriangle( p1, p2, p3) = let( v321 = p3.x*p2.y*p1.z, v231 = p2.x*p3.y*p1.z, v312 = p3.x*p1.y*p2.z, v132 = p1.x*p3.y*p2.z, v213 = p2.x*p1.y*p3.z, v123 = p1.x*p2.y*p3.z ) (1.0/6.0)*(-v321 + v231 + v312 - v132 - v213 + v123);

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Marching Cubes for OpenSCAD function literals

Marching Cubes for OpenSCAD function literals   
Usage:   sdMarchingCubes( sdScene = f ( [ x , y , z ] ) , sub = subdivisions )

// MarchingCubes for function literals v0.1 - Torleif Ceder 2020
// With function literals of bounded closed isosufaces 
// in the form f([x,y,z])
// Signed distans function can be output as polyhedron.
// Quality and problens is as expected with MarchingCubes
////////////// DEMO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sdScene   = function(p) min(
  max(abs(p.x)-6.5,abs(p.y+3)-4.5,abs(p.z*.7-p.x*.7)-0.5)  ,
  max(abs(p.x)-6.5,abs(p.y-3)-4.5,abs(p.z*.7+p.x*.7)-0.5)  ,
  norm(p )-5.5 ); // function literal of our Signed distance function
  // learn more at

sdDemo= true;
if(sdDemo) sdMarchingCubes(sdScene,sub=5);

//sdMC is a Octree subdivision MarchingCubes with direct gemoetry output
 module sdMarchingCubes(sdScene, cell=[],sub){
     " sdMarchingCubes() Usage: sdMarchingCubes( sdScene = f([ x , y , z ]) , sub = subdivisions ) ")
if (cell==[]) sdMarchingCubes(sdScene,autoBound(sdScene,cubic=true,pad=0.5 ),sub); else{
    O = cell[0]; S = cell[1];  C = (O + S) / 2; D = S - O;
    maxD = max( abs (D.x),abs (D.y),abs (D.z));
     if (abs(sdScene(C))<=maxD )//ignore completly empty or full cells
    {        p=vertFromCell  (cell) ;
          if (sub>0){  // subdivide cell into eight  smaller if subdivisions left      
                    for(i=[0:7]){sdMarchingCubes(sdScene,([C,pxxx[i]]),sub-1 );  }    } 
        else         { // Make polyhedron of this cell
            faces=(CASES()[ (case)]); // Use MC 256 table to find conectivity
            edgepoints=[for(e=EDGES())  // intersecion points along edges
                lerp(p[e[0]],p[e[1]], findZero(evals[e[0]],evals[e[1]]) )];
              polyhedron(edgepoints,faces); } } } } // Showtime

// tiny utils fuctions
function vertFromCell(cell)= [for(c=VERTICES())[cell[c.x].x,cell[c.y].y,cell[c.z].z ]]; 
function findZero(e1,e2)=sign(e1)==sign(e2)||e1+e2==0?0.5:  (abs(e1)/(abs(e1)+abs(e2)) );
function lerp(start,end,bias) = (end * bias + start * (1 - bias));
function un(v) = v / max(norm(v), 0.000001) * 1; // div by zero safe unit normal
function clamp(a,b=0,c=1) =  min(max(a,min(b,c)),max(b,c));
function eval(p,sdScene)=sdScene(p);// For legacy 
function evalnorm(q,sdScene) =
let (tiny = -1e16, e = eval(q,sdScene))[
eval([q.x + tiny,q.y,q.z],sdScene) - eval([q.x - tiny,q.y,q.z],sdScene),
eval([q.x,q.y + tiny,q.z],sdScene) - eval([q.x,q.y - tiny,q.z],sdScene),
eval([q.x,q.y,q.z + tiny],sdScene) - eval([q.x,q.y,q.z - tiny],sdScene),    e];
// Takes a vector. Any number >0 is 1 rest 0. use binary to build a number 
function bitMaskToValue(v=[0])= is_undef(v[0])?0:
 [for(j=v)1]* [for (i=[0:max(0,len(v)-1)]) max(0,sign(v[i]))*pow(2,i)] ;
// arrange bundary box from sloppy to proper orientation of minor corner and major corner
function bflip(a,b) = is_undef(b)&&len(a)==2?bflip(a[0],a[1]):[ [min(a.x,b.x),min(a.y,b.y),min(a.z,b.z)], [max(a.x,b.x),max(a.y,b.y),max(a.z,b.z)] ];
function autoBound(sdScene,cubic = (false),pad = 1) =    let (
    up = findBound([0,0,1],sdScene),    down = -findBound([0,0,-1],sdScene),
    north = findBound([0,1,0],sdScene),    south = -findBound([ 0,-1,0],sdScene),
    west = findBound([1,0,0],sdScene),    east = -findBound([- 1,0,0],sdScene),
    esd = min(east,south,down),wnu = max(west,north,up)    ) 
cubic == true ?
    d = [scenemax,scenemax,scenemax]   )
    [scenecenter - (d * (1+pad)),scenecenter + d * (1+pad)]  :
    let (d = [west,north,up ] - [east,south,down])
    [[east,south,down ] - d * pad,[west,north,up] + d * pad];
function findBound(vec,sdScene) =
let (VeryFar = 10e6,  p1 = vec * VeryFar, p2 = p1 + un(vec  ),
e1 = abs(eval(p1,sdScene)),  e2 = abs(eval(p2,sdScene)),
scale = abs(e2 - e1),// Account for non unit_for_unit field.
corrected = (e1 / scale), distance = VeryFar - e1/scale //distance= VeryFar-corrected
)/*[p1,p2,e1,e2,scale,corrected,distance ]*/ distance ;
////// MC Tables by BorisTheBrav /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function  VERTICES ()= [
    [0,0,0],    [1,0,0],
    [1,1,0],    [0,1,0],
    [0,0,1],    [1,0,1],
    [1,1,1],    [0,1,1],    ];
//# BorisTheBrave convention for the edges
function EDGES() = [
    [0,1],    [1,2],    [2,3],
    [3,0],    [4,5],    [5,6],
    [6,7],    [7,4],    [0,4],
    [1,5],    [2,6],    [3,7]  ];
//BorisTheBrave # Table driven approach to the 256 combinations. Pro-tip,don't write this by hand,copy mine!
//BorisTheBrave# See for how I generated these.
//BorisTheBrave# Each index is the bitwise representation of what is solid.
//BorisTheBrave# Each value is a list of triples indicating what edges are used for that triangle
//BorisTheBrave# (Recall each edge of the cell may become a vertex in the output boundary)
function CASES() = [[],[[8,0,3]],[[1,0,9]],[[8,1,3],[8,9,1]],[[10,2,1]],[[8,0,3],[1,10,2]],[[9,2,0],[9,10,2]],[[3,8,2],[2,8,10],[10,8,9]],[[3,2,11]],[[0,2,8],[2,11,8]],[[1,0,9],[2,11,3]],[[2,9,1],[11,9,2],[8,9,11]],[[3,10,11],[3,1,10]],[[1,10,0],[0,10,8],[8,10,11]],[[0,11,3],[9,11,0],[10,11,9]],[[8,9,11],[11,9,10]],[[7,4,8]],[[3,7,0],[7,4,0]],[[7,4,8],[9,1,0]],[[9,1,4],[4,1,7],[7,1,3]],[[7,4,8],[2,1,10]],[[4,3,7],[4,0,3],[2,1,10]],[[2,0,10],[0,9,10],[7,4,8]],[[9,10,4],[4,10,3],[3,10,2],[4,3,7]],[[4,8,7],[3,2,11]],[[7,4,11],[11,4,2],[2,4,0]],[[1,0,9],[2,11,3],[8,7,4]],[[2,11,1],[1,11,9],[9,11,7],[9,7,4]],[[10,11,1],[11,3,1],[4,8,7]],[[4,0,7],[7,0,10],[0,1,10],[7,10,11]],[[7,4,8],[0,11,3],[9,11,0],[10,11,9]],[[4,11,7],[9,11,4],[10,11,9]],[[9,4,5]],[[9,4,5],[0,3,8]],[[0,5,1],[0,4,5]],[[4,3,8],[5,3,4],[1,3,5]],[[5,9,4],[10,2,1]],[[8,0,3],[1,10,2],[4,5,9]],[[10,4,5],[2,4,10],[0,4,2]],[[3,10,2],[8,10,3],[5,10,8],[4,5,8]],[[9,4,5],[11,3,2]],[[11,0,2],[11,8,0],[9,4,5]],[[5,1,4],[1,0,4],[11,3,2]],[[5,1,4],[4,1,11],[1,2,11],[4,11,8]],[[3,10,11],[3,1,10],[5,9,4]],[[9,4,5],[1,10,0],[0,10,8],[8,10,11]],[[5,0,4],[11,0,5],[11,3,0],[10,11,5]],[[5,10,4],[4,10,8],[8,10,11]],[[9,7,5],[9,8,7]],[[0,5,9],[3,5,0],[7,5,3]],[[8,7,0],[0,7,1],[1,7,5]],[[7,5,3],[3,5,1]],[[7,5,8],[5,9,8],[2,1,10]],[[10,2,1],[0,5,9],[3,5,0],[7,5,3]],[[8,2,0],[5,2,8],[10,2,5],[7,5,8]],[[2,3,10],[10,3,5],[5,3,7]],[[9,7,5],[9,8,7],[11,3,2]],[[0,2,9],[9,2,7],[7,2,11],[9,7,5]],

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Self Balancing Compact Loader

Skid steer compact loader can reduce tire wear and slip with a computer controlled self balancing system. Low pressure tires ensure excellent grip in loose soil.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Solar Trail Tail

Overlanding vehicles could be powered by a series of connected trailers. Each carrying a solar panel contributing to power the main tractor vehicle.
When not in us,e the trailers can be collapsed and stacked on top.


Hey look What i found:

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Social Unmasking Personal Protection

Unmask: Socially enhanced PPE design

transparent area in front of mouth to unmask mouth mimicry.
Extended filter area on rear part of cheeks to makeup for lost area.

Friday, January 10, 2020

SpaceX Spiral welded tube

Spiral weld stainless 30X into a tube that can be continuously
unrolled from coil, laser edge profiled, welded,
 heat treated, weld forming by a cryo weld planisher, X-ray inspected and cut to length with laser or precision plasma.


    for (i = [-1: 0.01: 3])

        color("gray") hull() {
            translate([jsin(10 * i * 360) * 0.1, 0, 0])
            translate([i * 2, min(i, 0) * -12, 0]) rotate([max(i, 0) * 360, 0, 0]) 
translate([0, 0, 2]) cube([2 - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001], center = true);
            j = i + 0.01;
            translate([jsin(10 * j * 360) * 0.1, 0, 0])
            translate([j * 2, min(j, 0) * -12, 0]) rotate([max(j, 0) * 360, 0, 0]) 
translate([0, 0, 2]) cube([2 - .1, 0.01, 0.001], center = true);

    // uncut stainless
    color("gray") translate([-0.17, 1, 0] * 0.22)
    translate([0, 0, 2])
        [-3, 12],
        [-1, 12],
        [0, 6],
        [-2, 6]

    // final rocket trunk
    translate([4, 0, 0]) color([0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) rotate([0, 90, 0])
 linear_extrude(13) difference() {
        $fn = 120;
        circle(2 - 0.001);
        circle(2 - 0.002);
    $fn = 120;

    // laser cutter profile edges
    color([0.4, 0.5, 0.7]) translate([-1.8, 12] * 0.5) translate([0, 0, 2]) 
cube([2.4, 0.5, 1], center = true);

    // coil
    color([0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) translate([-2, 12] * 1.025) translate([0, 0, 1]) 
rotate([0, 0, 7]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(2, 1, 1, center = true);

    // xray and heat treat
    color("red") rotate([30, 0, 0]) translate([1, 0, 2]) cube([.5, 0.25, 1], center = true);
    color("orange") rotate([50, 0, 0]) translate([1, 0, 2]) cube([.5, 0.25, 1], center = true);
    color("gold") rotate([60, 0, 0]) translate([1, 0, 2]) cube([.5, 0.25, 1], center = true);
    color("blue") rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([1, 0, 2]) cube([.5, 0.25, 1], center = true);

    color("yellow") rotate([1, 0, 0]) translate([1, 0, 2]) cube([.125, 0.125, 1.5], center = true);
    color([1, .8, .3]) rotate([1, 0, 0]) translate([1, 0, 2]) cube([.4, 0.4, .25], center = true);


function jsin(s) =
max(clamp(sin(s + 60) * 3, -0.5, 0.5), clamp(sin(s) * 3, -0.5, 0.5));

function clamp(a, b, c) = min(max(a, min(b, c)), max(b, c));