Saturday, December 5, 2020

Marching Cubes for OpenSCAD function literals

Marching Cubes for OpenSCAD function literals   
Usage:   sdMarchingCubes( sdScene = f ( [ x , y , z ] ) , sub = subdivisions )

// MarchingCubes for function literals v0.1 - Torleif Ceder 2020
// With function literals of bounded closed isosufaces 
// in the form f([x,y,z])
// Signed distans function can be output as polyhedron.
// Quality and problens is as expected with MarchingCubes
////////////// DEMO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sdScene   = function(p) min(
  max(abs(p.x)-6.5,abs(p.y+3)-4.5,abs(p.z*.7-p.x*.7)-0.5)  ,
  max(abs(p.x)-6.5,abs(p.y-3)-4.5,abs(p.z*.7+p.x*.7)-0.5)  ,
  norm(p )-5.5 ); // function literal of our Signed distance function
  // learn more at

sdDemo= true;
if(sdDemo) sdMarchingCubes(sdScene,sub=5);

//sdMC is a Octree subdivision MarchingCubes with direct gemoetry output
 module sdMarchingCubes(sdScene, cell=[],sub){
     " sdMarchingCubes() Usage: sdMarchingCubes( sdScene = f([ x , y , z ]) , sub = subdivisions ) ")
if (cell==[]) sdMarchingCubes(sdScene,autoBound(sdScene,cubic=true,pad=0.5 ),sub); else{
    O = cell[0]; S = cell[1];  C = (O + S) / 2; D = S - O;
    maxD = max( abs (D.x),abs (D.y),abs (D.z));
     if (abs(sdScene(C))<=maxD )//ignore completly empty or full cells
    {        p=vertFromCell  (cell) ;
          if (sub>0){  // subdivide cell into eight  smaller if subdivisions left      
                    for(i=[0:7]){sdMarchingCubes(sdScene,([C,pxxx[i]]),sub-1 );  }    } 
        else         { // Make polyhedron of this cell
            faces=(CASES()[ (case)]); // Use MC 256 table to find conectivity
            edgepoints=[for(e=EDGES())  // intersecion points along edges
                lerp(p[e[0]],p[e[1]], findZero(evals[e[0]],evals[e[1]]) )];
              polyhedron(edgepoints,faces); } } } } // Showtime

// tiny utils fuctions
function vertFromCell(cell)= [for(c=VERTICES())[cell[c.x].x,cell[c.y].y,cell[c.z].z ]]; 
function findZero(e1,e2)=sign(e1)==sign(e2)||e1+e2==0?0.5:  (abs(e1)/(abs(e1)+abs(e2)) );
function lerp(start,end,bias) = (end * bias + start * (1 - bias));
function un(v) = v / max(norm(v), 0.000001) * 1; // div by zero safe unit normal
function clamp(a,b=0,c=1) =  min(max(a,min(b,c)),max(b,c));
function eval(p,sdScene)=sdScene(p);// For legacy 
function evalnorm(q,sdScene) =
let (tiny = -1e16, e = eval(q,sdScene))[
eval([q.x + tiny,q.y,q.z],sdScene) - eval([q.x - tiny,q.y,q.z],sdScene),
eval([q.x,q.y + tiny,q.z],sdScene) - eval([q.x,q.y - tiny,q.z],sdScene),
eval([q.x,q.y,q.z + tiny],sdScene) - eval([q.x,q.y,q.z - tiny],sdScene),    e];
// Takes a vector. Any number >0 is 1 rest 0. use binary to build a number 
function bitMaskToValue(v=[0])= is_undef(v[0])?0:
 [for(j=v)1]* [for (i=[0:max(0,len(v)-1)]) max(0,sign(v[i]))*pow(2,i)] ;
// arrange bundary box from sloppy to proper orientation of minor corner and major corner
function bflip(a,b) = is_undef(b)&&len(a)==2?bflip(a[0],a[1]):[ [min(a.x,b.x),min(a.y,b.y),min(a.z,b.z)], [max(a.x,b.x),max(a.y,b.y),max(a.z,b.z)] ];
function autoBound(sdScene,cubic = (false),pad = 1) =    let (
    up = findBound([0,0,1],sdScene),    down = -findBound([0,0,-1],sdScene),
    north = findBound([0,1,0],sdScene),    south = -findBound([ 0,-1,0],sdScene),
    west = findBound([1,0,0],sdScene),    east = -findBound([- 1,0,0],sdScene),
    esd = min(east,south,down),wnu = max(west,north,up)    ) 
cubic == true ?
    d = [scenemax,scenemax,scenemax]   )
    [scenecenter - (d * (1+pad)),scenecenter + d * (1+pad)]  :
    let (d = [west,north,up ] - [east,south,down])
    [[east,south,down ] - d * pad,[west,north,up] + d * pad];
function findBound(vec,sdScene) =
let (VeryFar = 10e6,  p1 = vec * VeryFar, p2 = p1 + un(vec  ),
e1 = abs(eval(p1,sdScene)),  e2 = abs(eval(p2,sdScene)),
scale = abs(e2 - e1),// Account for non unit_for_unit field.
corrected = (e1 / scale), distance = VeryFar - e1/scale //distance= VeryFar-corrected
)/*[p1,p2,e1,e2,scale,corrected,distance ]*/ distance ;
////// MC Tables by BorisTheBrav /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function  VERTICES ()= [
    [0,0,0],    [1,0,0],
    [1,1,0],    [0,1,0],
    [0,0,1],    [1,0,1],
    [1,1,1],    [0,1,1],    ];
//# BorisTheBrave convention for the edges
function EDGES() = [
    [0,1],    [1,2],    [2,3],
    [3,0],    [4,5],    [5,6],
    [6,7],    [7,4],    [0,4],
    [1,5],    [2,6],    [3,7]  ];
//BorisTheBrave # Table driven approach to the 256 combinations. Pro-tip,don't write this by hand,copy mine!
//BorisTheBrave# See for how I generated these.
//BorisTheBrave# Each index is the bitwise representation of what is solid.
//BorisTheBrave# Each value is a list of triples indicating what edges are used for that triangle
//BorisTheBrave# (Recall each edge of the cell may become a vertex in the output boundary)
function CASES() = [[],[[8,0,3]],[[1,0,9]],[[8,1,3],[8,9,1]],[[10,2,1]],[[8,0,3],[1,10,2]],[[9,2,0],[9,10,2]],[[3,8,2],[2,8,10],[10,8,9]],[[3,2,11]],[[0,2,8],[2,11,8]],[[1,0,9],[2,11,3]],[[2,9,1],[11,9,2],[8,9,11]],[[3,10,11],[3,1,10]],[[1,10,0],[0,10,8],[8,10,11]],[[0,11,3],[9,11,0],[10,11,9]],[[8,9,11],[11,9,10]],[[7,4,8]],[[3,7,0],[7,4,0]],[[7,4,8],[9,1,0]],[[9,1,4],[4,1,7],[7,1,3]],[[7,4,8],[2,1,10]],[[4,3,7],[4,0,3],[2,1,10]],[[2,0,10],[0,9,10],[7,4,8]],[[9,10,4],[4,10,3],[3,10,2],[4,3,7]],[[4,8,7],[3,2,11]],[[7,4,11],[11,4,2],[2,4,0]],[[1,0,9],[2,11,3],[8,7,4]],[[2,11,1],[1,11,9],[9,11,7],[9,7,4]],[[10,11,1],[11,3,1],[4,8,7]],[[4,0,7],[7,0,10],[0,1,10],[7,10,11]],[[7,4,8],[0,11,3],[9,11,0],[10,11,9]],[[4,11,7],[9,11,4],[10,11,9]],[[9,4,5]],[[9,4,5],[0,3,8]],[[0,5,1],[0,4,5]],[[4,3,8],[5,3,4],[1,3,5]],[[5,9,4],[10,2,1]],[[8,0,3],[1,10,2],[4,5,9]],[[10,4,5],[2,4,10],[0,4,2]],[[3,10,2],[8,10,3],[5,10,8],[4,5,8]],[[9,4,5],[11,3,2]],[[11,0,2],[11,8,0],[9,4,5]],[[5,1,4],[1,0,4],[11,3,2]],[[5,1,4],[4,1,11],[1,2,11],[4,11,8]],[[3,10,11],[3,1,10],[5,9,4]],[[9,4,5],[1,10,0],[0,10,8],[8,10,11]],[[5,0,4],[11,0,5],[11,3,0],[10,11,5]],[[5,10,4],[4,10,8],[8,10,11]],[[9,7,5],[9,8,7]],[[0,5,9],[3,5,0],[7,5,3]],[[8,7,0],[0,7,1],[1,7,5]],[[7,5,3],[3,5,1]],[[7,5,8],[5,9,8],[2,1,10]],[[10,2,1],[0,5,9],[3,5,0],[7,5,3]],[[8,2,0],[5,2,8],[10,2,5],[7,5,8]],[[2,3,10],[10,3,5],[5,3,7]],[[9,7,5],[9,8,7],[11,3,2]],[[0,2,9],[9,2,7],[7,2,11],[9,7,5]],

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